The issues that inspire me to run for Morinville Council…
Sell Economic Development
Morinville has a real opportunity to position itself as a viable destination for small businesses and start-ups in the post-pandemic urban exodus that we’re beginning to see. My focus will center around the recruitment and retention of small and medium size businesses via tax and revitalization incentives. The resounding sentiment amongst the residents I’ve spoken to on this topic is their desire to support local. More needs to be done to afford local businesses with a competitive advantage over the big-box retailers to our immediate south.
Reimagine Parks & Recreation
We have seen a recalibration of sorts with respect to our relationship with our natural environment. The pandemic has magnified the relationship between nature and our mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing. I will prioritize the preservation, revitalization and reimagination of existing green spaces and boulevards in our community—with special emphasis placed on the multi-seasonal serviceability of our parks in South Glens, the Lakes, and St. Jean Baptiste Park.
Grow Regional Collaboration
Regional collaboration is paramount to the economic growth and development of municipalities in the Edmonton Metro Region. It is imperative that the Town of Morinville strengthen its relationships with regional stakeholders (most notably with Sturgeon County) to create operational efficiencies, coordinated services and cost-share agreements. I am committed to continuing the work centering around the calls to action that our current council and administration have begun in response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the Alexander First Nation/Town of Morinville Task Force.
Share Effective Communication
I’m of the belief that our current council have done a tremendous job responding to concerns and constructive feedback in a timely fashion. A more coordinated approach to communication will create efficiencies and consistency in messaging. I would like to see our next council streamline communication away from social media platforms where the public discourse has become toxic and often divisive.
Inspire Civic Engagement
Our community is at an impasse in its development trajectory. The economic stagnation the Town of Morinville is mired in will continue if we are unable to shed our bedroom community mentality. It is imperative that our next council create innovative and meaningful channels to engage the silent majority in our community. I would also like to see a renewed focus on engaging with our youth to ensure our vision aligns with our future.